Year 2006:

[1]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong : 

The Propagator for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field and a series of non-local harmonic Oscillators

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 49(2006), No. 5, pp. 1998-2000.

Year 2007:

[1]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong :

The single-path-integral approach to the steady-state condition: Alternative derivation of the Thornber theory

Physica B: Condensed Matter Vol. 391(2007), Issue 2 , pp. 357-362.

[2]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong :

On the ground-state energy of a bound polaron in quantum confinement

 Physica B: Condensed Matter Vol. 394(2007), Issue 1, pp. 18-22.

Year 2008:

[1]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong :

The impedance function of a confined polaron and bipolaron: The single path integral approach

 Physica B: Condensed Matter Vol. 403(2008), Issue 12, pp. 2103-2110 .

[2]. B. Srisongmuang, P. Pairor and M. Berciu:

Tunneling conductance of a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling 

Phys. Rev. B 78(2008), 155317 

Year 2010:

[1].  Watchara  Liewrian, R. Hoonsawat and I.M.Tang:

Spin switching effects in a ferromagnetic graphene junction having a second gate 

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (2010), pp.1287–1292.

[2]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong :

The path integral approach to an N-Particle in a PT-symmetric harmonic oscillator

International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB), Vol. 24(2010), Issue 28, pp. 5579-5587 .

Year 2011:

[1].  Watchara  Liewrian, I.M.Tang and R. Hoonsawat: 

Spin-polarized tunneling in a ferromagnetic graphene junction: Interplay between the exchange interaction and the orbital effect of the magnetic field

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44 (2011), pp. 327- 332.

[2]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong, Sarah Lobb and Frank Nijhoff : 

Discrete-time Calogero-Moser system and Lagrangian 1-form structure

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical  44(2011), 365203.

                                                                                                                            Year 2012:

[1]. B. Srisongmuang and A. Ka-Oey:

Tunneling conductance of a two-dimensional electron gas with Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling

JMMM,324(2012), pp.475-478

[2]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong and Frank Nijhoff : 

Elliptic (N,N^\prime)-soliton Solutions of the lattice KP equation

ArXiv:1111.5366, submitted to Letters in Mathematical Physics. 

[3]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong and Frank Nijhoff:

Discrete-time Ruijsenaars-Schneider systems and Lagrangian 1-form structure

ArXiv:1112.4576, submitted to Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 

[4]. Sikarin Yoo-Kong and Watchara Liewrian :

Theoretical model of DNA conductivity I: The path integral approach

ArXiv:1203.5917  , submitted to Physica E.

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